由于用于Android开发的Eclipse 不支持cpp 语法高亮,
只要增加如下的插件即可实现漂亮的cpp 语法高亮.
1.下载jar 插件. 下载页面
2.安装插件. 非常简单 直接复制到c:/apps/eclipse/plugins. 重启Eclipse 即可.
Installation is simple.
- Drop the jar into your Eclipse plugins directory. (No need to unzip if you're using > Eclise 3.1). For example c:/apps/eclipse/plugins.
- Restart Eclipse, once Eclipse is restarted you should be able to use the colorEditor by selecting a file. If there is already a default editor for the file you would like to edit you can right mouse click and choose Open With | Syntax Coloring Editor